Lesson Collections, Professional Development, & More
The materials listed here are linked to trusted websites of some leading earth & climate educators and organisations. They are up to date, based in science and informed by research into the education students need for these unprecedented times. We are grateful to the creators and providers of these works.
All materials are free, unless noted. Got a great resource to recommend? Email info@eeon.org
Climate Generation
Resource Library (registration required - free, no strings)
Teach Climate network offers a monthly newsletter, professional development, opportunities to share resources and participate in special projects
Association for Canadian Educational Resources
Planting for Change: whole-school tree-planting program for K-8 involves planning, planting and caring for schoolyard trees
Materials for developing outdoor classrooms, identifying native trees and shrubs
Environmental & Climate lessons for all K-12 subjects
Professional learning for teachers
Free daily newsletter
News for Students: articles on climate & sustainability in 4 reading levels, grades 5-12
Learning For a Sustainable Future
Climate Inquiry Units for grades K-2, 3-6, and 7-12
Resources for Rethinking: searchable K-12 lessons, books, videos; emphasis on inquiry, critical thinking, connecting climate & sustainability to social & economic issues
Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network
Climate and energy-focused resources, grade 9 to adult: videos, experiments and lessons on climate & energy systems
Guidance in Teaching Climate and Energy Science supports educators in how to teach these topics
Climate Atlas of Canada
Interactive tools to learn about climate change in Canada, grade 7 - adult: what’s changing where, and what’s being done about it
Indigenous Knowledges page has climate data and projects for First Nations, Inuit and Metis lands and communities
Take Me Outside
K-12 Professional Development webinars for outdoor learning; most are free
K-12 Earth & Climate Learning Resources
Extensive collection of Indigenous Resources including traditional teachings and land-based pedagogy
The Outdoor Learning Store
Professional learning for teachers
Sells outdoor learning kits, tools and books
Green Learning
Classes can join in annual design challenges related to climate mitigation, adaptation, energy and waste; open now until May 3, 2024; grades 3-12
Green Teacher
Quarterly magazine recently published its final issue, but now offers its archive of 550 activities/strategies and 100+ webinars for $25-$40 annually
ProfsVerts.com has teaching strategies en français et ebook des activités pour contrer les changements climatiques
Climate Change Education Resources, some free, some for sale
Zinn Education Project
Focused on learning history through a social justice lens, gr. 7-12 and up; lessons and articles organised by time period, reading level, and theme - including Climate Justice
Climate Crisis Timeline : history of the climate crisis, collective approaches to solving it, and teaching ideas
Entertaining group action challenge: individuals and groups commit to change a behaviour and record their achievement
connects individuals’ actions to solving climate change
Optional “climate discussion” courses
Earth Force
Programs to build youths’ and adults’ capacity for organising and leading civic action, especially for specific local environmental issues
Free tools and PD to help adults guide this learning