Research & Reports
See ‘Canada’ section for fossil fuel influence report.
2022: Canadians’ Perspectives on Climate Change & Education: Ontario Provincial Report.
This report, prepared for Learning for a Sustainable Future by Pamela Schwartzberg, P. Stevens, and Karen .S. Action, is the region specific report for Ontario.
2020 Implementation of the Bondar Report: A Reflection on the State of Environmental Education in Ontario Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, v23 n3 by Michal Bardecki and Lynda McCarthy.
This paper provides a useful summary of he recent developments concerning environmental education curricula in Ontario’s schools. It also identifies the key institutional elements which contribute to and influence the course of EE implementation and focuses on their role in the development of environmental curricula in the province.
2003: EEON’s Report Greening the Way Ontario Learns.
Our organization created this report in 2003, outlining steps for improving environmental education in this province.
2025: Polluting Education: The Influence of Fossil Fuels on Children’s Education in Canada, by Anne Keary and Jennifer Chesnut, with For Our Kids and Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE).
"Polluting Education: The Influence of Fossil Fuels on Children’s Education in Canada,” written by For Our Kids and EEON member Anne Keary, and Ontario teacher Jennifer Chesnut, with support from the Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring, finds that oil and gas companies have been funding and supplying misleading climate education to children across the country.
At least 39 oil and gas companies and 12 industry-tied organizations, including Shell, TC Energy and Pathways Alliance, are involved in climate education, either by supplying education materials directly to schools, through government partnerships, or funding third-party nonprofits. These industry-supported education materials often downplay the fossil fuel industry’s role in climate change, and obscure the urgent need to transition off of fossil fuels for a safe climate.
2023: What Do Canadians Really Think About Climate Change? A summary of public opinion research for communicators by Chris Hatch, Maria Granados, and Rahmah Aldakkak for Re. Climate Institute.
Although not technically for educators, this survey report provides a useful snapshot of the state of Canadian knowledge of, and attitudes toward climate change. An understanding of where one’s audience is at in terms of climate literacy is crucial for effective climate communication.
2023: Climate Change Education within Canada’s Regional Curricula: A Systematic Review of Gaps and Opportunities, Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Journal, vol. 202, by Ellen Field, G. Spiropoulos, A. T. Nguyen, and R. Grewal.
This review article of explicit climate change education curriculum expectations for each province according to grade, subject, and mandatory versus elective courses shows uneven inclusion of climate change topics, themes, and units within grade 7 – 12 curricula. The paper concludes with recommendations for addressing gaps.
2023: Climate Emotions and anxiety among young people in Canada: A national survey and call to action, Journal of Climate Change and Health, Vol. 9 by Lindsay Galway and Ellen Field.
This report presents the results of a survey of 1000 young people (aged 16–25) across Canada. The survey asked respondents about: (i) climate emotions and their impacts, (ii) perspectives on the future due to climate change, (iii) perspectives and feelings about government (in)action, (iv) perspectives on supports, programs, and resources needed to cope with climate emotions and anxiety, and (v) perspectives on climate change education. The authors also include recommendations for addressing youth climate anxiety.
2022: Canadians’ Perspectives on Climate Change Education.
This report, prepared for Learning for a Sustainable Future by Pamela Schwartzberg, P. Stevens, and Karen .S. Action, is a follow-up to the 2019 report by Field, Berger and Schwartzberg. Some questions from the 2019 survey are repeated, and the responses are compared to assess changes over time. There are significant additions to the 2022 survey including the mental health impacts of climate change, the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge, the impacts of COVID-19, and the importance of youth engagement.
2022: MECCE: Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education Country Profile: Canada
This country profile provides a very comprehensive overview of relevant government agencies, laws, policies, and plans relating to climate change education in Canada and existing initiatives and studies. (Note: it does not include municipal initiatives.)
2020: Responding to Climate Change: A Primer for K-12 Education.
This “primer”, prepared for the Sustainability Education and Policy Network by Kristen Hargis & Marcia McKenzie offers “research-based understandings of how ministries of education, school divisions, and schools can help inform and empower climate action.” It identifies “good climate action practices” within each of the four whole institution areas at the school level: governance; teaching & learning; facilities and operations; community partnerships.
2019: “Climate science curricula in Canadian secondary schools focus on human warming, not scientific consensus, impacts or solutions” in PLoS One, vol. 14, by Seth Wynes and Kimberly Nicholas.
This article applied six categories of the IPCC to curriculum and analyzed secondary science curriculum, and found that learning objectives tend to focus on physical climate mechanisms, observed increase in temperature and anthropogenic causes of warming and have little to no emphasis on scientific consensus, climate impacts, or actions
2019: Canada, Climate Change and Education: Opportunities for Public and Formal Education.
This report by Ellen Field, Paul Berger and Pamela Schwartzberg was prepared by Learning for a Sustainable Future. It provides data from a survey on Canadian perceptions of climate change.
2018: Building Climate-Ready Schools in Canada: Towards Identifying Good Practices in Climate Change Education by N. Chopin, N., K. Hargis, & M. McKenzie.
This report was prepared for the Sustainability and Education olicy Network. It overviews the findings of an evaluation of UNESCO’s Getting Climate-Ready: A Guide for Schools on Climate Action for the purpose of identifying good practices of climate action taking place in Canadian UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network, using a whole school approach as a lens.
2017: Climate Change and the Canadian Higher Education System: An Institutional Policy Analysis by J. Henderson, A. Bieler, & M. McKenzie.
Published in Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 47(1), 1 – 26, presents a report on how Canadian postsecondary educational institutions have engaged with climate change through policy actions. Their key finding is that “the most common form of response focused on the built campus environment, with underdeveloped secondary responses focused on research, curriculum, community outreach, and governance policies.”
2014: Educating for Sustainability: Working Together for a Sustainable Future
This report, prepared by Manitoba Education and Training for the Council of the Ministers of Education, Canada, provides an historical overview of “sustainable development”; an overview of the progress that has occurred across Canada related to “sustainable development education”; and a proposals for future action. The report includes several references to the need for education on climate change and the recommendation that the Council of Ministers of Education Canada develop policies on “educating for sustainability,” including policies on curricular outcomes.
Tracking Sustainability in Canadian Primary and Secondary Education: Key Findings From a National Comparative Study by Sustainability and Education Policy Network (SEPN)
Tracking Sustainability in Canadian Primary and Secondary Education: The Whole Institution Domains in Policy and Practice by Sustainability and Education Policy Network (SEPN)
2023: Climate Change Education: A summary of research reviews, assessment instruments, and ways forward.
This report by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia analyses over 350 studies of the effects of a variety of educational interventions focused on climate change. It considers reviews of the state of climate change education research; effective interventions and teacher education; studies that focus on instruments for assessing climate change-related knowledge, attitudes and practices; and identifies three areas for attention: 1. the emotional and psychological effects of learning about climate change, 2. the school curriculum, and 3. teacher education.
The report’s key findings are also summarized in this article: How should we teach climate change in schools? It starts with ‘turbo charging’ teacher education by Russell Tyler, Peter Freebody, The Conversation, June 12, 2023.
2023: Climate Resilient California Schools: A Call to Action
The report is the work of a California coalition of nearly fifty experts – including doctors, medical and environmental health researchers, educators, youth and community groups – who explored the challenges of climate change from the perspective of children’s health and education. It includes recommendations for creating climate resilient and sustainable schools through coordinated action on school facilities, community relations, and curriculum reform.
2021: A New Green Learning Agenda: Approaches to Quality Education for Climate Action
This paper by Christina Kwauk and Olivia Casey for the Brookings Institute outlines a roadmap for a campaign on climate change education and gender equity with a focus on policy entry points for decision-makers and civil society. The report aims to:
Build capacity and raise awareness of government decision-makers on issues of gender, education, and climate justice.
Raise awareness and understanding across the current and future teacher workforce of the anthropogenic drivers of climate change, the difference between low-impact and high-impact climate solutions, and the intersections between climate change and climate justice through strategic partnerships between teachers unions, teacher professional societies, and subject-area organizations.
Co-develop with educators a teacher training and leadership program on gender-transformative education for climate action in partnerships with climate change education organizations, climate justice organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizations, gender and climate organizations, and environmental psychologists.