About Us
Our Mission
Our goal is public education that appropriately prepares students and educators to address the crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and social injustice.
Our Vision
Ontario public schools provide every student with science-based, cross-curricular climate change education that addresses the ethical, cultural, political, social and economic dimensions of this complex issue. Every student is climate-literate and equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle climate change, adapt to uncertainties, and take an active role in building a more sustainable future.
Our Work
We advocate for curriculum reform, improved teacher education, and increased funding to prepare students for the unprecedented challenges of this time.
We advocate for educators and students working to intentionally deepen environmental and climate learning within their grade and subject curriculum. We promote learning resources, research and funding in support of this innovative work.
We cooperate in gratitude with partner organisations and individuals on educational initiatives that provide learners the knowledge, skills, values, and leadership needed to secure a healthy, sustainable environment for current and future generations.
Land Acknowledgement
Ontario is the traditional territory of many Indigenous peoples who have cared for these lands and waters since time immemorial. This region is covered by over 40 different treaties; many of these treaties were instruments of colonial dispossession. As educators, we are committed to decolonization and reconciliation, which require recognizing the intergenerational harms caused by settler-colonialism and white supremacy to Indigenous people. We work toward right relations by honouring reciprocal relations with land, water, and all forms of life; respecting Indigenous teachings and learning from Indigenous teachers.
Who We Are